When I was a young kid my uncle had a stroke. A middle aged man with a wife and three daughters, it changed his life completely. Not so long after his stroke my uncle came to live with us, …
Cleaning and Recoding in Tableau Prep
In late April of this year (2018) Tableau released a new tool called Tableau Prep. So what is Tableau Prep? You know all that very unsexy data prep stuff you have to do before you can create …
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How to use Tableau as a Simple User Interface for Data
Let's not overthink Tableau. It's a tool, and as a tool it can do some pretty cool things. But only if you have a reason to use it. Over the upcoming weeks I'm going to focus on specific …
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It takes a village, to get the most value from Tableau
Okay, so Tableau is technically something that one person can use effectively to support their work. But most of the time, to get actual value for the time/money commitment, it probably won't be …
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Data Visualization Lessons from a Bad Chart
My favorite bad chart sat nearly undisturbed for years in the kitchen cabinet of my former workplace. It was an almost ordinary looking bar chart adorning the side panel of a big yellow box of Lipton …
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Data Halloween Cartoon Post
Happy Data Halloween Everyone! Which cartoon is your favorite? You can vote by retweeting, just click on the cartoon to be taken to the individual tweet. Zombie Evaluators 3D Pie Chart Jack o …