Today’s cartoon set is inspired by Evaluation Flash Cards developed by Michael Quinn Patton for the Otto Bremer Foundation. More specifically, they are based off of the first five flash cards (out of 25). I’ve put in the quotes that helped inspire each cartoon.
It’s a great resource and if you haven’t seen it, I suggest you check it out:
[PDF] Patton, Michael Quinn (2014). Evaluation Flash Cards: Embedding Evaluative Thinking in Organizational Culture. St. Paul, MN: Otto Bremer Foundation.
Evaluative Thinking
Integrating evaluation into organizational culture means “mainstreaming evaluation” -that is, making it central to the work rather than merely an add-on, end-of-project paperwork mandate. (page 3)
Evaluation Questions
Ground evaluation in basic descriptive questions. (page 4)
Logic Models
Is the proposed logic model sequence from inputs to impacts logical and reasonable? (page 5)
Theory of Change
Can a program identify a theory of change based on research and, if so, can it demonstrate how it will translate the theory into an actual program? (page 6)
Evaluation vs. Research
Research…Ultimate test of value is contribution to knowledge…Evaluation…Ultimate test of value is to improve effectiveness. (page 7)
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