The proof copy is on its way and if everything goes right, I will have The Reporting Revolution up on Amazon next week. So what now? It’s time for a party!

First, Thank You!
All told over 450 of you downloaded a free draft version of the book. I decided to share the book before it was finished because I knew it would help drive me to write, heighten my audience focus, and receive some good feedback.
I was not wrong.
The support and interest definitely helped me bring this book to market lightning fast.

Virtual Book Tour
This fall I want to have a modern virtual book tour and I could use your help.
I would like to virtually visit with:
- Local Association Groups
- Non-profits
- Evaluation Classrooms
- Evaluation Agencies
- Podcasts (as a guest)
- Blogs (as a guest poster)
- and anywhere else where I can talk to at least a handful of interested evaluators and researchers.
(I bring my own Zoom room but can also use your own meeting platforms)
If you’re interested please send me an email (chris @, message me on LinkedIn, or DM me on Twitter (I have opened up access so you can DM me even if we don’t follow each other).
Launch Party
Next Wednesday I’m having a book launch party. We’ll have fun with a Q&A, games, cartoons, and course/consulting giveaways worth hundreds of dollars.
If you think you can make it, Please RSVP. You have to show up to win prizes.