In this series of blog posts I will share examples of professionally designed modern reports. For each report I'll also write out a list of things to notice. My goal is not to critique but to show …
Stop trying to create Goldilocks reports.
You know the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Little girl breaks into the house of three bears while they're out for a walk. Then proceeds to eat their food, break one of their chairs, …
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Reporting is a Conversation
Do you remember the early days of social media? Back then there were a lot of bloggers, marketers, and other digital communicators talking about how social media platforms were conversational. …
6 Big Reasons to Ditch the PDF Report
Still delivering your final report as a PDF? You're definitely NOT alone. The PDF final report is still very much status quo in the research and evaluation worlds. But I think it's time we move …
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Your Report is a Website
It's time to stop designing reports for that one person who one time printed and then, subsequently, read your report. For the vast majority of people, your report is a website. It is read using a …
Your 3 Report Audiences (Ep. 6)
You know the audience is important, but how do you actually design a report for one? My suggestion, design your report for 3 audiences. Want to buy my book? You can get it …