So I decided to make a few tweaks to my workshop. Instead of offering free weekly webinars, I'm switching to offering temporary free courses. Basically I'll be making the short animated courses I …
Want better visuals? Make the process cheaper, easier and faster.
Saying that we should budget more money or time towards data design is like saying we should increase teacher pay. You can get a lot of nodding heads from decision makers but when it comes time to …
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Creating GIFs to Explain Charts
So who has time to read the small print? We are in an age where even large print is rarely read. Unfortunately there a lot of really good charts that require at least a little bit of …
Gone Workshoppin’
So there's this thing I gotta do. You know that whole creative workshop for data people thing that I started? I've come to the realization that if I want it to be successful, I need to give it …
Letting Pixar’s rules of storytelling influence your reporting.
I really believe that good data visualization, good reporting and good presentations are all about good storytelling. So I tend to search out inspiration from great storytellers. I read the post I …
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Krista Donaldson on taking risk out of the design process.
Today's inspiration comes from's designkit. It's one of 7 mindsets that lie at the core of their human-centered design process. You can also hear it spoken in context by Krista Donaldson in …
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